Inhouse product
The sellers photos are obviously very honest so you can see how it is presented.It works as you'd expect, but it does take some effort as you have to hold it firmly to the work surface while using. And because of its size and shape it's difficult to hold while you grind.I find it relatively easy having big hands and of course only grinding what I need when I need it, but I do find I have to take breaks just to get the four tablespoons worth for my teapot ?But that's only because the hand I'm holding it down with aches. The handle moves with ease.That said, it's fairly difficult if you have it to grind a very fine powder, it is easy to hold if your grinding a more coarse powder. Obviously it's adjustable, and personally I'm finding it's better ground quite coarse, as too fine gets through the strainer in my teapot l. So it's getting easier to use if I'm honest.I am happy with the purchase, it was affordable, it has character, it's sturdy enough, within itself lol and it does what I want it too.The only real problem I had was with the instructions, it's an absolute word soup as you can see from my attatched picture, but I figured it out as you only need to attach the handle and adjust the lower screw for finer grind.
Item was smaller than expected but does the job fine.
Sticker placed over one side of box totally concealing the assembly and usage instructions. BAD practice.
?ملاحظة: ? 1. تحتوي حبوب القهوة على زيت، لذلك يجب تنظيف المطحنة بعد الطحن. وإلا ستتراكم الشحوم وستشمها لفترة طويلة. حتى الحبوب عالية الجودة يتم طحنها إلى مسحوق غريب. يجب تنظيف المطحنة بعد كل استخدام. 2. الجزء السفلي من المطحنة مطلي بالمطاط لمنع المطحنة من التحرك أثناء الطحن. 3.3 أوضاع قابلة للتعديل - مسحوق القهوة المطحون مقسم إلى ثلاثة أنواع: خشنة ومتوسطة وناعمة. يمكنك تدوير قطعة التعديل لأعلى أو لأسفل. عندما يصبح الجزء العلوي أكثر سمكًا، يجب تعديل الجزء السفلي إلى فجوة قدرها 0.25 ملم لمنع الاحتكاك من الزيادة أو التوقف. بعد ضبط أجزاء التعديل، يمكنك تركيب الأبازيم والملحقات الأخرى
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تاريخ توفر أول منتج | 2021 أغسطس 14 |